Template tags¶
You have to load template tag library first.
{% load embed_video_tags %}
Template tag
. It gives access to allVideoBackend
variables.Usage (shortcut):
{% video URL [SIZE] [key1=value1, key2=value2...] %}
Or as a block:
{% video URL [SIZE] [key1=value1, key2=value2...] as VAR %} ... {% endvideo %}
{% video item.video %} {% video item.video "large" %} {% video item.video "340x200" %} {% video item.video "100% x 300" query="rel=0&wmode=opaque" %} {% video item.video is_secure=True as my_video %} URL: {{ my_video.url }} Thumbnail: {{ my_video.thumbnail }} Backend: {{ my_video.backend }} {% endvideo %}
Direct render of embed video.
Returns instance of VideoBackend. If context is passed to the method and request is secure, than the is_secure mark is set to backend.
A string or VideoBackend instance can be passed to the method.
Parameters: - backend – Given instance inherited from VideoBackend or url
- context (django.template.RequestContext | None) – Django template RequestContext
Return type:
Predefined sizes:
size width height tiny 420 315 small 480 360 medium 640 480 large 960 720 huge 1280 960 You can also use custom size - in format
).Returns: Returns tuple with (width, height) values. Return type: tuple[int, int]
Returns generated HTML.
Parameters: context (django.template.RequestContext) – Django template RequestContext Returns: Rendered HTML with embed video. Return type: django.utils.safestring.SafeText | str
Parameters: - context (django.template.RequestContext) – Django template RequestContext
- backend (VideoBackend) – Given instance inherited from VideoBackend
Return type: django.utils.safestring.SafeText
Parameters: context (django.template.RequestContext) – Django template RequestContext