Source code for embed_video.backends

import re
import requests
import json

    import urlparse
except ImportError:
    # support for py3
    import urllib.parse as urlparse

from django.utils.functional import cached_property

from .utils import import_by_path

class VideoDoesntExistException(Exception):

class UnknownBackendException(Exception):

class UnknownIdException(Exception):

[docs]def detect_backend(url): """ Detect the right backend for given URL. """ for backend_name in EMBED_VIDEO_BACKENDS: backend = import_by_path(backend_name) if backend.is_valid(url): return backend(url) raise UnknownBackendException
[docs]class VideoBackend(object): """ Base backend, good to inherit. """ re_code = None """ Compiled regex (:py:func:`re.compile`) to search code in URL. Example: ``re.compile(r'myvideo\.com/\?code=(?P<code>\w+)')`` """ re_detect = None """ Compilede regec (:py:func:`re.compile`) to detect, if input URL is valid for current backend. Example: ``re.compile(r'^http://myvideo\.com/.*')`` """ pattern_url = None """ Pattern in which the code is inserted. Example: ```` """ pattern_thumbnail_url = None """ Pattern in which the code is inserted to get thumbnail url. Example: ```` """ allow_https = True """ Sets if HTTPS version allowed for specific backend. """ def __init__(self, url, is_secure=False): """ First it tries to load data from cache and if it don't succeed, run :py:meth:`init` and then save it to cache. """ self.is_secure = is_secure self.backend = self.__class__.__name__ self._url = url @cached_property def code(self): return self.get_code() @cached_property def url(self): return self.get_url() @cached_property def protocol(self): return 'https' if self.allow_https and self.is_secure else 'http' @cached_property def thumbnail(self): return self.get_thumbnail_url() @cached_property def info(self): return self.get_info() @classmethod
[docs] def is_valid(cls, url): """ Class method to control if passed url is valid for current backend. By default it is done by :py:data:`re_detect` regex. """ return True if cls.re_detect.match(url) else False
def get_code(self): match = if match: return'code')
[docs] def get_url(self): """ Returns URL folded from :py:data:`pattern_url` and parsed code. """ return self.pattern_url.format(code=self.code, protocol=self.protocol)
[docs] def get_thumbnail_url(self): """ Returns thumbnail URL folded from :py:data:`pattern_thumbnail_url` and parsed code. """ return self.pattern_thumbnail_url.format(code=self.code, protocol=self.protocol)
[docs] def get_embed_code(self, width, height): """ Returns embed code. """ return '<iframe width="%(width)d" height="%(height)d" ' \ 'src="%(url)s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>' \ '</iframe>' % { 'url': self.url, 'width': width, 'height': height, }
def get_info(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class YoutubeBackend(VideoBackend): """ Backend for YouTube URLs. """ re_detect = re.compile( r'^(http(s)?://)?(www\.)?youtu(\.?)be(\.com)?/.*', re.I ) re_code = re.compile( r'''youtu(\.?)be(\.com)?/ # match youtube's domains (embed/)? # match the embed url syntax (v/)? (watch\?v=)? # match the youtube page url (ytscreeningroom\?v=)? (feeds/api/videos/)? (user\S*[^\w\-\s])? (?P<code>[\w\-]{11})[a-z0-9;:@?&%=+/\$_.-]* # match and extract ''', re.I | re.X ) pattern_url = '{protocol}://{code}?wmode=opaque' pattern_thumbnail_url = '{protocol}://{code}/hqdefault.jpg' def get_code(self): code = super(YoutubeBackend, self).get_code() if not code: parse_data = urlparse.urlparse(self._url) try: code = urlparse.parse_qs(parse_data.query)['v'][0] except KeyError: raise UnknownIdException return code
[docs]class VimeoBackend(VideoBackend): """ Backend for Vimeo URLs. """ re_detect = re.compile( r'^((http(s)?:)?//)?(www\.)?(player\.)?vimeo\.com/.*', re.I ) re_code = re.compile(r'''vimeo\.com/(video/)?(?P<code>[0-9]+)''', re.I) pattern_url = '{protocol}://{code}' pattern_info = '{protocol}://{code}.json' def get_info(self): try: response = requests.get( self.pattern_info.format(code=self.code, protocol=self.protocol), timeout=EMBED_VIDEO_TIMEOUT ) return json.loads(response.text)[0] except ValueError: raise VideoDoesntExistException() def get_thumbnail_url(self): return'thumbnail_large')
[docs]class SoundCloudBackend(VideoBackend): """ Backend for SoundCloud URLs. """ base_url = '' re_detect = re.compile(r'^(http(s)?://(www\.)?)?soundcloud\.com/.*', re.I) re_code = re.compile(r'src=".*%2F(?P<code>\d+)&show_artwork.*"', re.I) re_url = re.compile(r'src="(?P<url>.*?)"', re.I) @cached_property def width(self): return'width') @cached_property def height(self): return'height') def get_info(self): params = { 'format': 'json', 'url': self._url, } r = requests.get(self.base_url, data=params, timeout=EMBED_VIDEO_TIMEOUT) return json.loads(r.text) def get_thumbnail_url(self): return'thumbnail_url') def get_url(self): match ='html')) return'url') def get_code(self): match ='html')) return'code') def get_embed_code(self, width, height): return super(SoundCloudBackend, self). \ get_embed_code(width=width, height=self.height)